Thursday, August 21 2014

  • Archdiocese Pour Cold Water on ALS Research

    If there’s one thing the Catholic Archdiocese are good for is its ability to cause guilt among large groups of people. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati asked principals at local Catholic schools not to encourage students to raise money for the ALS Association through the ice-bucket challenge because the association uses embryonic stem cells in its research. In order to harvest embryonic stem cells, an embryo must be destroyed and many Catholics relate that to abortion, which the Church is strongly against.

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  • Surprise, Surpise: More Infighting Between City and County Over MSD

    About 10 years ago, the federal government mandated that the Metropolitan Sewer District (aka MSD) perform billions of dollars of upgrades to the city's sewer system. The problem is that even though the city runs MSD, the county is charge of policy & spending and the two entities rarely see eye-to-eye. The latest example of this pissing match is that the county says the city isn't complying with a federal ruling from a few months ago stipulating that the county has the final say. If it sounds like a broken record, thats because it is... sigh.

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  • Duke Continues to Clean up Ohio River Oil Spill

    Official from Duke Energy Corporation said major progress is being made to clean up its mess of 5,000 gallons of oil that spilled into the Ohio River near New Richmond Monday. The oil is being cleaned by vacuums and skimmers. The plant responsible for the spill is slated to be closed in 2015.

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  • Saks / Kenwood Deal is a Bust, Now What?

    Remember that story a few months ago that Saks Fifth Avenue would be relocating from it's downtown location to Kenwood? Well, that deal has fallen through and the folks at Urban Cincy are now wondering what that means for the upscale retailer and whether it will relocate at all.

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  • OTR's Newest Food Craze: Macaroons?

    The latest foodie craze is coming to OTR in the form of French-style, bite-size, almond or coconut-flavored macaroons. The new shop, the Macaron Bar, will be located next door to Park & Vine on Main Street and is expected to open its doors in November. They'll serve traditional macaroons along side Deeper Roots coffee and teas from Essencha Tea House. Yum!

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